Panel Discussion
Looking Back to Look Forward to Artificial Intelligence
Minsu Cho
In the fast-changing world of AI, numerous research papers are piling up on the internet every day, pushing previous ones deep down into the stack, and a new generation of researchers barely remembers historical work in the field that pre-dates the "deep learning revolution". While we may need to forget some and move on, wholesale amnesia would be a painful loss for the future of the field. This panel discussion will attempt to ponder lessons from the past that may have a big implication on the future of AI, grappling with questions such as what "classical" work of artificial intelligence should be reconsidered or remembered by AI researchers/developers today, and how past successes/failures are able to help us to address the challenges we face these days.

Prof. Irfan Essa
- Principal Research Scientist at Google Inc.
- Distinguished Professor in the School of Interactive Computing (IC), at the Georgia Institute of Technology

Prof. Klaus-Robert Mueller
- Full Professor and Chair of Machine Learning Group at the Technische University Berlin
- Director of Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data (BIFOLD)

Prof. Jean Ponce
- Professor at Ecole Normale Supérieure - PSL
- Co-founder and CEO of Enhance Lab

Prof. Bohyung Han
- Professor at Seoul National University